Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We're all screwed and there's nothing anyone can do about it

Oddly enough, seeing as I neither care about Israel nor Palestinians, I was prompted to start blogging again by this flotilla incident somewhere off in the Mediterranean. Somehow the stupidity of it all just made me want to put my own stupidity into words.

Israel is run by idiots. You see, Israel's primary friend in the world is the United States. The US of A is far away from Israel. Many Americans cannot locate Israel (or anything for that matter) on a map. For now, that's fine because guns, fuel and politicians are cheap. So we have robust trade with Israel, nearly every US politician of note will either defend Israel to the hilt or keep the ol' pie-hole shut. Journalists too, when they forget to keep the pie-hole shut and express the wrong kind of bigotry (it's ok to denigrate Muslims and Mexicans) find themselves at the end of a career.

But again, America is not close to Israel. Most Americans don't really care about Israel - OK, I'm projecting, I don't care about Israel and I assume most Americans will not, as Bill Clinton says of himself, pick up a rifle and defend Israel. Some day, when things really fall apart in the world, Israel will be off in the Middle East and everyone who matters will still hate them.

A hostile relationship with one's close neighbors is, I suppose, written into the DNA of the Zionist experiment. Nobody can show up on someone else's land, take it and expect the locals to be happy about it. Indeed, if Israel had been founded in 1776 (just to pick a year), the country would probably have already expanded to the Euphrates and as Israelis drove around on their comfy highways, they might occasionally think something like: "It sure is too bad, what happened to those poor old Palestinians. Ah, well... such is life..."

Indeed, such is life. The strong take what they can, and the weak give it. Unfortunately, the Palestinians and their frenemies aren't quite weak enough. So Israel is in a trap. Personally, I think the best thing they could do would be to come to some sort of peace settlement and very slowly begin to make friends. Best of all would be to just give up on the whole idea of a the mono-ethnic nation-state. It's not designed for the 21st century. All of America's financial and military strength, all of the technological adeptness of Israel can't fight demographics and the course of economy. I wouldn't bet on Israel surviving the 21st century - not as a primarily Jewish State at least.

Flotilla incident and the aftermath: a mere 3 on the destructometer, but it's part of a larger pattern that continues to add up.

This is a placeholder

I guess I should have a post up for the giggles. I want to get some different aesthetics first.